STEM program
The term refers to an education model linking four academic disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). While traditional systems of education approach the instruction of these subjects separately, STEM learning integrates these topics into a coherent learning model, based on their real-world applications. The program encourages students to systematically deal with scientific and environmental issues from an early age. For this purpose, the educational philosophy of STEM is linked to both the official program of our school, through interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary activities, and the supplementary environmental and innovative experiential programs, of which it is the core axis.
The school curriculum provides children with an environment where they can experience math and science as an integral part of their daily lives. Students are encouraged to use scientific methods to solve problems, to experiment, create, communicate and collaborate. The main goal is the creation of learning communities which cultivate critical thinking skills by utilizing experiential, exploratory learn-by-doing methods, emphasizing teamwork and by making use of the latest technological tools.
Scientific Support and Interdisciplinary Collaborations
The program is designed and implemented by the class instructors taking into account the needs and interests of the students, with the participation and support of specialists in various disciplines who are involved in the process. Extensive collaboration with teachers in the High School, as well as with external scientific partners are included in the educational planning, especially in the science and robotics programs.
STEM Program Facilities and Equipment
For the STEM activities we make use of the elementary school facilities and unique natural environment of the school, which provides an ideal backdrop for a variety of experiential activities and projects. In particular, STEM is conducted in our school’s modern classrooms, where we make use of the state-of-the-art equipment and furnishings (smart board, iPads, Wi-Fi) which facilitate teamwork. Furthermore, the material used (Lego, robots, etc.) is selected for its appropriate support of STEM projects.