Educational Goal
Since its inception in September 2011, the Pre-School has offered a constantly evolving educational program based on the principles of experiential learning and environmental education. The environment is at the heart of our program, so students gain an awareness of our relationship to, and responsibility towards, nature. The campus of the American Farm School serves as an ideal setting for the holistic experiential learning programs that aim to nurture our young students.
Through the most contemporary teaching methods and educational practices, we encourage our students to engage their natural curiosity and to continuously discover the world around them. By promoting these abilities we aim to develop hands-on learners who will actively participate in the educational process throughout their academic careers.
Early childhood is a time of exceptional creativity and curiosity. With this in mind, we believe these formative years are the ideal time to instill in our students the lessons and values that will allow them to become responsible citizens of the world with a deep-rooted respect for the environment.
("In the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand and we will understand only what we are taught"-Baba Dioum).
Educational Program
During early childhood children gain their first experiences by ardently exploring their immediate social and natural environment. The American Farm School serves as a unique introduction to the world beyond the home and family unit and lays the foundation for a creative, inquisitive and engaged outlook moving forward.
The objective of our Pre-school is to enable the smooth transition from family to community life, while promoting a love and respect for our surroundings and the environment. Within this framework, our students’ attributes and capabilities are expressed and further developed.
The program aims to:
Teaching Methods: