“I believe in a type of agriculture with long term promise, in the soil that becomes richer instead of poorer year after year. I believe in living not only for myself but for others, so that future generations do not suffer because of my agricultural methods. I believe that the farmers are the carers of the land and will be held responsible for the loyal execution of their duties. I am proud to be a farmer and I will do whatever it takes to live up to my name”.
Dr. John Henry House, 1910. Founder of the American Farm School.
What Dr. House believed in back in 1910, is today recognized as sustainability. During the more than 110 years of existence, The American Farm School has remained loyal to the founder’s beliefs by continuing to place great emphasis on environmental education for all students. Protection of the environment is a prominent theme and sensitizing our students to its importance is a primary focus.
Today our school is officially recognized as a “Green School”, and our voluntary teams work closely with the institution’s other departments to convey the message of environmental awareness.
Recycling, reduction of water and paper consumption, and composting to produce fertilizer are just a few of the initiatives being implemented across the School.