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Three Little Pigs
18th October 2021

Our topic this week has been "My House". We talked about houses, we sang about houses, we built houses and while we were building, we though "Is our house strong enough?". Suddenly, a very famous fairy tale came to our mind. Can you guess which one?

Yes! It was "The Three Little Pigs". First we read the story and then we had a puppet show. 

After the puppet show, it was time for us to act out the story. First, we all went to the house of straw. The wolf came knocking on our door and said "Little pig, let me come in." We all answered "No, no, no! Not by the hair of my chinny, chin, chin." Then the wolf huffed and puffed and blew our house down so we all had to run to the house of wood as fast as we could so that the wolf wouldn't catch us. 

The same thing happened in the house made of wood and when the wolf blew that down, too, we all managed to run safely to the house made of brick.

The wolf couldn't blow this one down so he decided to come in through the chimney. We lit a fire and waited. When the wolf cane down the chimney ... Ouch, ouch, ouch!!! and so he got away never to be seen again.

... Well, in our case, not exactly.

We liked the game so much that we played it again!!!  

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