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Students and graduates speak to the national media about their studies at the American Farm School & Perrotis College
7th January 2019

Six students and graduates of the American Farm School and Perrotis College have been in the news over the past few months talking about their studies at the School and their professional aspirations.

Konstantinos Tsatsoulis: “The American Farm School has provided me with all the necessary “tools” and knowledge that a young farmer needs, and I emphasize this since I firmly believe that the farmer of today must be a real practitioner, who evolves constantly by changing technologies and seeking to integrate his unit, not staying stable like they used to."

Panayiotis Koukoudis: “As an AFS student I was able to develop my knowledge as a farmer. My life changed when after the Panhellenic exams I obtained the highest score and entered first into Technological School of Agricultural Studies in Thessaloniki, which was something I never thought could happen.”

Hercules Tsiopanides: “The teachers do a great job with the students and help them evolve not only as professionals but as personalities too. The Practice Program that we the Vocational students had to attend was the way to really understand the field I want to follow and helped me obtain the second highest score to enter the Technological School of Agricultural Studies in Thessaloniki.”

Eva Kalaitzidou: “I’ve studied Business Marketing at Perrotis College and at the moment I am continuing with my MSc in Marketing for the Agro-Food Sector. Coming from a farming village and being familiar with agricultural business, studying at Perrotis College was a natural choice for me. The educational program and the knowledge I gain from the practice work during my studies gave me the confidence I needed to continue my work.” –Eva during her studies is a full-time employee in Enrollment & Communications Office at AFS.

Maroulio & Yiannis Zouganelis: Maroulio and her brother Yiannis are both from Mikonos, and they both want to change the idea that people have of the Greek island and create a rural agro-tourism unit. After thorough research they decided that the American Farm School & Perrotis College was the best choice to succeed in that. “Perrotis College is a pioneer in the Agro-Food Sector in Greece, so it was my only choice” says Maroulio, while Yiannis, only fifteen years old and a first year student at AFS Vocational High school, still hasn’t decided if he will continue with plant or animal production, since he likes both.

Erinaios Georgiou: He is doing his BSc in Food Science & Technology at Perrotis College and he feels very satisfied with his choice. “The educational program and the way professors teach us are unique. The fact that we can put in practice what we are taught is something that similar public colleges don’t have and gives me an advantage.”

Students and graduates speak to the national media about their studies at the American Farm School & Perrotis College
Students and graduates speak to the national media about their studies at the American Farm School & Perrotis College
Students and graduates speak to the national media about their studies at the American Farm School & Perrotis College
Students and graduates speak to the national media about their studies at the American Farm School & Perrotis College
Students and graduates speak to the national media about their studies at the American Farm School & Perrotis College
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