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10th October 2018

A Week of Loss, Love & Labor

Thessaloniki 20th of April 1916

“The telegram that was sent to America on Tuesday refers to the simple fact of the fire incident that destroyed our beautiful building”

This is how Susan Adeleine Beers, spouse of the founder of the school Dr. John Henry House, begins her letter describing the fire that destroyed James Hall. Five days earlier, on the 15th of April, a worker was repairing the ceiling of the building. The charcoal he was carrying to melt some irons, combined with the stormy winds, left - within an hour - nothing but the building foundations. Without any audiovisual footage it’s difficult for someone to realize, these days, the proportions of a disaster as such. Just like Brenda Marder notes on the Earth caretakers, "without James Hall the School was disabled" (p.113).

The week that followed is summarized by Beers in three words: loss, love and labor. The building might had been gone along with students’ and employees’ personal belongings but her testimony credits all those who helped: students, staff, soldiers from neighboring allied troops, foreign missions.

Six months later, James Hall was ready to accept students and personnel as the school year begun.

You can read the letter here & here.

Damiana Koutsomiha

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