Media Literacy-Technology
Our school has state of the art equipment in its classrooms, while at the same time it pays a lot of attention to the optimum use of technological tools ,computer programs, and services for the preparation and management of the educational structure, and mainly for the support of the various programs and the computer literacy of the students. We are aware that our students, like all the youth of our time , will become the most systematic users of modern day technological tools. In this framework, we believe that our school cannot ignore the new means of information and communication, and their codes, which are a reality for us all , so we are systematically working towards the education of our students, towards their understanding and use of technology for their benefit, our only goal being their creative fulfillment.
Basic axes of the program with which the development of the aforementioned goals are attained:
Enhanced teaching of IT
Teaching of IT from the First grade of Elementary School following the curriculum set by the Greek Ministry of Education. The program fulfills all mandates set by this governing body , albeit these requirements have been broadened and supplemented.
Fun approach and application of teaching scenarios with experiential orientation for the younger grades(Grades 1-2), with the aim to familiarize the students with the computer and the iPad.
The possibility to continuously use and apply the technological knowledge the students gain through projects frequently assigned to them by their teachers, in the framework of environmental or other innovative programs they are doing or in the framework of other cognitive subjects at school.
Participation of the students in interdisciplinary projects which they complete during their IT lesson and present in conferences both in Greece and abroad.
Application of the innovative program1:1
The personal use of iPads from Grade 2 and the participation of all students in the 1:1 program
Systematic training in the use of the iPad as a research tool, a tool for recording and presenting, but also training of the students in the necessary knowledge of ethics when it comes to using technology.
The use of the iBooks from the Greek Ministry of Education in electronic form and the compilation of iBooks from the teachers of the school which partly replace and enhance the extra materials in the classrooms.
The use of teaching apps to support the cognitive and experiential programs.
The creation of student centered classrooms where differentiated learning can take place, where a culture of communication and cooperation is formed, where the creation of incentive takes place for a heightened learning experience.
Media Literacy and Communication
Program where access skills, analytical skills, evaluation and production of digital content are cultivated from the First Grade of Elementary School.
The development of audiovisual literacy through systematic activities with the goal of turning the child from consumer into creator of text.
The optimum use of computer programs and educational apps for the creation of digital storytelling on the part of the students.