The truly unique campus of the American Farm School allows our students to witness nature’s cycles first hand, while actively engaging in activities related to the environment and its conservation. The School’s Educational Farm, “Discovery Garden”, and ample outdoor spaces make this process a one-of-a-kind learning experience.
More specifically, Environmental Experiential training includes:
All Grade levels incorporate environmental programs with special thematic units and target outcomes linked to students’ cognitive and emotional development.
Across the board, our students share in the community effort to maintain a green campus, by recycling composting, measuring energy consumption, and more. They also take field trips to state parks, lakes, wetlands, etc. andparticipate in volunteer programs with an environmental focus (Arcturos, Greenpeace and others).
By creating a progressive and interdisciplinary program, students build an environmental consciousness and adopt the values which will allow them to think, act and design their lives with environmental sensibility.